Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Me? A theologian?

Are we really theologians?

Yep, we are.

We have a system of belief about who God is. It's based on our study--regardless of how much or how little we have studied. 

We've studied the Bible a little, maybe more. We've studied books about the Bible a little, maybe more. We've studied the stories of people we do life with a little, maybe more. And most of us have studied our own experiences more than a little.

And when we wrap all of that up, it is our theology.

Problem is--or at least could be--that our theology informs the way we think about, plan for, prepare for, and lead worship.

If our theology is bad (forgive me for suggesting it might be?) then elements of our worship planning, preparation and leading will be, well, bad. 

And if our theology is good, thankfully, the converse is also true.

But this is undeniable--there's no such thing as neutral theology. 

So "Do your best to present yourself to God as a tried-and-true worker who isn’t ashamed to teach the word of truth correctly." (2 Timothy 2:15 GW)

The craziest thing starts happening: the more rightly we understand God, the more vibrant our worship leading becomes.

So yes, you and I really are theologians. And as leaders, we are shaping the theology of others. This matters in the songs we choose, the things we emphasize within those songs, and the way we make the most of the lyrics within them. 

Please don't hear me saying your next step in the journey as a worship leader is to hop on and order Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology. Your theological journey may be found in those 1264 pages of study, really, but it is more likely that you can do some other things first.

Read the Bible a little more or at least a little differently.

Listen to some great preachers via podcast. (Visit my website for some suggestions.)

Preach to yourself. Especially when you are struggling to process the circumstances around you, look through the filter of God's word for us.

Everyone is a theologian. Either we will be good ones or bad ones.

Let's be good ones.

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