Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday

Tonight I will be part of a team leading worship for a Maundy Thursday service. The emphasis will be on the shedding of blood; communion. I can't wait. Really.

There's another point of emphasis we could have pursued. It was on the Thursday of Passover that Jesus washed his disciples' feet. Have you pondered the magnitude of that act lately? 

The One who left the glory, not of an earthly palace, but of heaven... the One who not only left there but reigned (and reigns!) there... the One who was with part of the party at creation when feet went from imagination to implementation... the One who, according to Colossians, is holding our feet onto our bodies... That One, knelt at the feet of fishermen and a tax collector, at the feet of those striving to be faithful and one waiting to commit betrayal.

That One. Jesus.

He came to seek and to serve.

He washes our feet in ways we'll never see, never know, never imagine.

And then He asks us to do the same.

"You ought to wash each other's feet."

I don't know about you, but I find that the times I have literally washed someone's feet to remind me that it isn't beneath me to serve anyone, anytime, in any way. Not that I always get it right. It's why I need to be reminded.

So as you consider this day how you will remember what Jesus has done for us, I encourage you to think about what you might do for others.

Worship Pastor? How will you serve your teams? Your Pastor? Your congregation? 

Worship leader? How will you serve your Worship Pastor? Your Pastor? Your fellow worshipers?

Worshiper? How will you serve?

It's simply doing what Jesus commanded.

Oh yeah, that's what the word Maundy means, command. Seems a good time to remember.

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