Monday, October 29, 2012

Should Worship Be Great? pt. 7

This is it. Last post in this series.

Next time, a few practical resources to serve you as you seek to make worship great.

But for now, I simply want to challenge you.

Do it.

Listen for God. Hear His voice through scripture, prayer, circumstances, and the church. Seek hard after His voice. Be still enough to hear. Discipline yourself to recognize the sweet sound of our Shepherd through familiarity with scripture.

Be obedient to God. What He says, do. Decide before you hear Him that no matter what He says, you will do. And then... do it.

Ask God, and if necessary beg God, for a clear vision of how worship can be great in your church.

Start with prayer. If at all possible, get people praying with and for you--that God would manifest His Presence in your place of worship. I can help you develop this idea through "Worship Coach."

Continue praying as you commit to building up the church. If they're feeling beat up by those seeking to lead them to the Throne of grace, it will be very difficult to take them along. Choose to encourage. If it comes naturally, lean into it. If it doesn't, build it into your ministry strategy.

As you pray and as you encourage one another, raise the standard. Pursue excellence personally. Then inspire those around you to excellence. Don't impose your opinions, but represent God's "opinions" whispered and shouted through the Spirit on excellence.

And please, don't go out of order. Don't pursue excellence hoping it will encourage the body of Christ which will bring glory to God.

Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness.

Encourage one another.

Make the most of every opportunity.

Make your worship gatherings GREAT!

I am eager to help every church I can, in every way I can, have great worship. For more about how I may be able to serve your chuch as a "Worship Coach," shoot me an email at or text/call my cell at 502.229.0114.

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