Tuesday, October 9, 2012

By ______

How would you fill in that blank?

By God?

By his bootstraps?

By myself?

By faith?

That last one is just ringing in my soul today.

I found out yesterday that the job I really wanted is no longer a possibility. 

Still... by faith.

I had shoulder surgery 10 days ago and can't do much to get our house ready to sell.

Still... by faith.

I went to see a doctor with my 17-year old daughter about a lingering medical issue. (Nothing life-threatening!)

Still... by faith.

I had a conversation with the pastor of a church in another state today. I think I'd really like to serve there. But I'm not at all sure. Yet.

Still... by faith.

That's why the song is so timely, I think. Not one of those things can be "fixed" by effort. But every one of them can be, no--will be--settled by my Father in heaven.

Here's a link to the whole song (By Faith) and here's one to the passage that inspired it (Hebrews 11) but for now, I simply invite you to consider this final stanza:

By faith this mountain shall be moved 
And the power of the gospel shall prevail
For we know in Christ all things are possible
For all who call upon His name

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