Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Where it all began

I talked to one of my good friends shortly after I knew my previous worship pastor job would come to an end. He was gracious and said something like, "Hey, the first Sunday you're off I want you to come to my church and tell me what you experience." That was it. I don't think he expected more than a few minutes to talk at lunch, but my creative juices got flowing as I imagined how I might serve his ministry.

So I went. It was a curious experience for me, being a worshiper and an observer at the same time. It wasn't until I sat down and started writing that it hit me what a powerful ministry this could be. I ended up sending them an 8 page summary of observations and recommendations.

Here's what Mickey wrote about that experience:

Bringing in a worship coach is something which I never, EVER, thought I would do. But I can tell already it is making an impact on how our church does ministry on Sundays and beyond. I invited Rod to worship with us, evaluate what we do and how we do it, and offer critiques and suggestions in written form for our staff to review, consider, and implement according to God's leadership to minister to His people and our community more effectively.  I was already aware of quite a few things that needed to be addressed and was encouraged by the affirmation of what we were doing well.  Even more importantly, I was challenged by ideas I had never considered.  Rod was sensitive to a minister's needs and sensitivities but was candid and thoughtful in his evaluation. With his years of ministry experience in the trenches, his wisdom and insight in worship leadership, and service in churches of various sizes, he brought a wealth of knowledge and sensitivity to the evaluation process. He is truly gifted as a consultant/advisor/coach/encourager. The value he adds to ministry is invaluable!  

I've now done this for a handful of churches, and the reports have gotten longer and more practical. If you know of a church I could visit on a Sunday and offer feedback to, for a very affordable fee, have them shoot me an email ( or let me know and I'll get in touch with them.

I'm so grateful for the chance to help churches do Sunday mornings better!

See more at my website.

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