Saturday, December 15, 2012

Strong Tower

When my younger brother was, well, younger, he used to find ways to get in trouble. Rich would taunt bigger kids. Actually, he would taunt just about anyone. Now that he is in his mid-forties, he pretty much does the same thing. But that's a tale for another time.

Rich has written a great short story based on one of those childhood times. In this case he is an eighth grader picking on a smaller and weaker seventh grader. Unfortunately for Rich, the little seventh grader has a "mean-as-snot" eight grade friend, Mike. Moments after picking on the skinny seventh grader, Rich gets hit by his nemesis. Hard. So he runs. I love how he ends the story...

"My brother hears or God tells him I'm coming home. He opens the door; I go inside. Mike is at the door, screaming, only to face Rod, 4,000 pounds of door-stopping eleventh grader."

Today I am convinced that when we have been punched hard by the devils of this world God yearns for us to run to our big Brother, our Strong Tower, or Refuge, our Defender.

It seems to me that unlike in Rich's real-life story, we too often run somewhere else: friend-ward, in-ward, or sin-ward. There is no real strength in any of those places.

But in God is One who is stronger.

"The LORD is a mighty tower where his people can run for safety." Proverbs 18:10 (CEV)

Perhaps you remember this song by Kutless from just a few years ago. It seems pertinent:

You are my strong tower
Shelter over me
Beautiful and mighty
Everlasting King
You are my strong tower
Fortress when I'm weak
Your name is true and holy
And Your face is all I seek

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