Thursday, December 6, 2012


I don't have a lot of fears.

But as I was reading in Genesis 28 I nearly shivered.

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!”

As a worshiper, that concerns me. I have been so easily distracted by things--including worship--that I have sometimes been unaware of God's Presence.

As a Christ-follower, that concerns me. I have been so busily distracted by things--even Christian activity--that I have often missed God's Presence.

As a writer, that concerns me. I have been so consumed with generating something worth reading on your part--because I want to encourage and strengthen you--that I know I have missed God's Presence.

But as a worship leader, that terrifies me. I know there have been times that I have been so consumed with music, with logistics, with transitions, etc. that I know I have missed God's Presence.

And, tragically, I can recall times when my distracting leadership has caused others to miss the Presence of God as well.

Let's commit to do better, you and I. Let's live our days, our hours, our moments in such a way that we are aware of God's presence. And as worshipers, as worship leaders, let's find ways to whisper and shout about the Presence of God in our midst.


  1. That is a way that Satan works..if he can't get us out of the ministry he then works to get us too busy in it. We are all guilty of this from time to time...thank God for his revelations and his ways to get our attention to help us return to him! Love you Rod!!

  2. Thanks, Christy. Sure love you and your family too.
