Monday, February 4, 2013

One Creative Process

Creativity is over-rated.

Creativity is under-utilized.

Creativity is too much work.

Creativity is a waste of time.

Creativity is reflecting the creative nature of God.

Creativity is for big churches.

Creativity is for creative types.

Have you heard (or thought) all of those things around your church? I have!

So here's the deal. I think creativity is indeed reflective of our great God. I am convinced it can lead to moments of transformation and wonder, as Nancy Beach sub-titled her great book. I am aware of many times God used a creative expression in worship to touch the soul of someone. (When David played his harp for Saul, for example.) And despite the objections, creativity is worthwhile in our services. It really is.

And it takes work. It takes time. It takes teams.

And it is worth it!

While serving in Frankfort, at Memorial Baptist, we developed a troupe of folks--the Worship Arts Team. We developed a creative process that worked really well for us. 

For us. At Memorial BC in Frankfort.

As with most models, it was developed for the heritage of that church in that town. I wouldn't suggest adopting it, but I sure would encourage adapting it. If it serves you, use it!

I'm going to take the next several blog posts to describe what we did. We sure didn't get it all figured out. And we seldom got all of the pieces to work just the way we wanted. But we had a blast. We worked really hard.

And we saw lives changed.

So I think it's only right for me to share some of what we learned.

Here's how the series will unfold.
   First, the functions of the team members. This is where it all began and what made it work; the team.
   Second, the 4 step pattern we developed to actually create the services.
   Third, a summary of the challenges and rewards of our process.

This will take a while, as of now, 15 posts. But each will stand alone, so you won't have to read for long each day and you can step in and out along the journey. I just hope it serves you to learn some of what we learned!

For help with your church's worship ministry, shoot me a message. It's why I created Worship Coach in the first place! (502.229.0114 cell;

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