There's a verse later in this same passage that piqued my interest in a huge way, so I backed up to see what I could discover about the context of Jesus’ words: “Go and learn what this means…” (vs. 13)
Imagine my surprise when I was stopped cold in my tracks by this simple, familiar phrase: “Jesus and his disciples were having dinner at Matthew’s house.”
I’ve known this story since I was a kid. I’ve taught about it. I’ve pondered it. But I’ve missed the leadership gem tucked away in that phrase.
I suppose it is the immediacy of the action that grabbed me.
Jesus calls Matthew. Nothing striking so far; most of us are familiar enough with how scandalous it was for the Rabbi to invite a Roman tax collector to walk with him.
Immediately Matthew says "yes." No big surprise there, either, though it may be because we’ve grown accustomed to the lightning fast obedience of the Master’s first followers.
It’s the next line that got me. “Later, Jesus and his disciples were at Matthew’s house.” They were where?
Call me out of touch, but when I have invited folks to be part of the worship ministry, I expected them to be at my office, our worship center, and maybe even… if I was as personable as I’d like to be... invite them to my home.
But Jesus finds a follower and then follows him to his house… to be on his turf… to be with his friends... that same day!
How many times have we, have I, missed the opportunity to testify to friends or develop other leaders because I was so caught up in building my turf… my friends… my house, that I didn’t go with those I was leading.
What do you think? Strike you as significant?