Monday, January 28, 2013

BIG Assignment

I heard a fantastic sermon by Matt Betts at Woodburn Baptist Church yesterday. It was powerful. Bottom line? Instead of stepping over God to bow at the feet of people and their opinions of us, would should step over our fear of people to bow at the feet of a holy God. He taught that truth from 1 Samuel 15:1-24. Rock on, Matt!

But as Matt read us that passage there was another verse that jumped off the page and into my soul: "Samuel told [Saul], “Although you may think little of yourself, are you not the leader of the tribes of Israel? The Lord has anointed you..."

The irony in the passage is that Saul actually thinks too much of himself. It was that incongruity that first caught my attention. How can a king that put his own desires about God--a pretty strong picture of arrogance--"think too little of" himself?

So as I listened to the sermon I was also asking God to clarify for me.

God is so good. Not only did He clarify, He spoke a word I needed to hear.

Saul thought too little of himself because he had lost sight of the fact that his assignment was from God.

I far too often do the same thing. I see the assignments of other folks--friends, colleagues, Facebook friends, and I start to "think too little of myself."

And then I remember, any assignment from God, anything He has appointed and anointed me to do, is a big deal. It's the Assigner of the task, not the task, that makes it important. 

Some of what I've learned from Mother Teresa and Henri Nouwen seems in line with this: to clean toilets because it is the calling of God is better than to lead a large corporation if it is not His calling.

This is hard for me. I imagine it may be hard for a few of you, too.

How about it? Are you thinking too little of yourself these days? 

Then do what God has called, gifted, and anointed you to do. And trust that He knows more than we do about how to get His will done, His kingdom to come.

Thoughts? Please comment below!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I was just sharing with a friend about how I enjoy getting to work on Monday because I view my job as a "mission from God" I don't want to complain about going to do what He has called me to do.
