Monday, March 18, 2019

We Need Showy Worship Leaders!

Don't you think so?

The more time I get to spend helping others lead worship, the more I am aware of how desperately we need them to show out.

Not show off.

Show out.

I don't even know if that's a real phrase. But it oughta be.

After all, if we don't let people see what is inside of us--show them--then how will they know we really believe what we say, pray, speak or sing?

My pastor is amazing at this. When he is laughing, we see it in his eyes and his smile and his shaking body. When he is weeping, we see it just the same.

People have been telling me for years, especially when I sing with a large choir, that they can pick me out because it looks like I really mean what I'm singing.

Shouldn't we all be showing out what we feel?

The more I learn about communication--from leadership literature, business leaders, and experience--the more convinced I am.

You've probably heard this. If not, I'm sure you've experienced it:

You are in a conversation with someone who is expressing a profound emotion. Let's pick sorrow. The words say something like "My heart is breaking with yours." The face says, "I'm indifferent."

At a minimum, this is disappointing. At the worst moment it can be infuriating.

Or perhaps a less profound emotion... a sales person is telling you that this product is exactly the solution to all of the challenges you face. But their micro-expressions--what their face says--tell you something else. You'll probably walk away from that "deal."

How much more crucial is this for those of us leading people to the Throne of grace. (Hebrews 4:16)

People: lost people, discouraged people, hopeless people, disenfranchised people, skeptical people, weary people.

To the Throne: the place from which the King of the Universe reigns and draws us to Himself.

Of Grace: Because this King's throne is welcoming, a source of supreme blessing for all of His children.

How can our faces not shine? Our eyes not light up? The corners of our mouth turn up?

Certainly the Psalmist embodied what he wrote: "Those who look to Him are radiant with joy." (Psalm 34:5)

Worship leaders--whether you are playing or singing on stage--let's look to Him. And let's look more and more like Him. And let's look like that's true.

Let's show out!

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