Monday, January 11, 2021

Goals > Resolutions

I've decided to give up on resolutions.

There. I said it. Don't hate me. I know we're only 11 days into the new year.

I've also decided to step up my goals.

What's the difference? Well, maybe just semantics. But maybe... maybe the difference is that between a wish and a plan. Between a hope and a calendar. Between a dream and a design.

Best example I know? For decades I've had the resolution to "lose weight." Or to "get healthy." 

But two years ago I turned a wish into a plan. I scheduled surgery. I went to the appointments that led up to it. I put stuff on my calendar. And then I had the surgery. I followed the directions. And I lost 165 pounds. My hope became a plan.

My best goals are input based, not outcome based. They are dependent on my actions, not the circumstances around me.

One of my favorite 2021 goals, for example, is to lead an international mission trip for folks in our worship ministry. The only way that goal is met is for me to plan, to get stuff on the calendar, and to design the trip. I might have a DREAM of 25 people going, but I can't control who will go. That's not realistic. But I can have a GOAL of inviting personally inviting 50 people to go. That I can measure. That I can hold myself accountable to do. (And others can hold me accountable too!)

Another favorite goal for 2021 is to date my wife every week. (Yes, she'll read this. Now I have to carry through!) And as long as the pandemic lingers that is going to require some serious effort on my part. I need to set aside time on my calendar for the DATE but also for the PLANNING. I'm excited about it, but that's new year's stuff. I want to be better about loving Jackie with my time and attention. So it isn't a resolution (like spend more time with my spouse). It's a goal (like have a scheduled date night every week). 

I have 8 other goals. I've written them out. I've put stuff on my weekly calendar as well as some big dates on my calendar. I have a plan to see them every week. To work on them every week. 

Can I offer one more, quite divergent thought about this goals / resolutions thing? It's a brand new thought for me, but seems worth sharing on the front end of 2021. It's right out of scripture after all. It comes from Philippians 1, a popular passage and one of my favorites: "God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished..." As you set goals, or perhaps revise goals for 2021, remember that it is God's work that gets you where you want to be. Where He wants you to be. So if your goals don't point to God's work in you, might be good to reconsider. If you'd like someone to process that with, I'd be honored to have a conversation. Just reach out. My email is and my cell number is 502.229.0114.

Let's do all God has called us to in 2021. And let's do it together. 

PS. If you'd like to go WAY deeper into this goal setting thing, I recommend episode #150: You Need a Goal, Not a Resolution from the Lead to Win podcast from Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller. 

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