Monday, February 10, 2020

Take that Baby Out!

Somebody should take that baby out.

I remember hearing that as a kid. Probably from my mom. Maybe even, on rare occasion, from my grandmother who, by the way, loved serving in the nursery at FBC of Walton, KY. I’ve heard it as an adult, too. Perhaps far more often, I’ve felt it. 

And yet every time a baby cries... every time a child acts up... every time a parent struggles to keep their kid “under control…” you know what I do? Can you guess?

I smile. 

While the singing or praying or preaching is happening, I envision Jesus sitting on the edge of the platform, arms wide open and a smile broadly crossing his face as he says to that little one, “I am so glad you’re here!” He might even invite that squirming little boy to sit in his lap.

And after I smile, I wonder—every time the familiar sound of a kid echoes through the room—if we’ve missed the lesson Jesus taught His original followers. 

According to Matthew 19:13, the disciples thought children would bother Jesus. But in reality they didn’t bother him at all. Sure did bother his followers though.

“But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.' And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them…”

Can you imagine what it would’ve been like to be one of those parents? To see Jesus touch their child? To hear Jesus bless their daughter?

I think that’s why I smile when a child makes noise in worship. It seems the testimony of scripture is that when a child disturbs a follower of Jesus, the winner can still be the child.

After all, Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. 

Next time you hear a little one disturb the quietude of your worship space, I hope you’ll smile too.

(I imagine there is some sort of limit, of course. God is a God of order, not of chaos. I just think we may be taking ourselves more seriously than need be. And chance not taking God’s word seriously enough.)

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