Monday, September 2, 2019

Needy Much?

I'll start with a confession: I walk into too many rooms needy. Needy of affirmation, or on my unhealthier days, admiration. I'm sorry. It's just true.

I walk into too few rooms needed. Not because of what I have to offer but because of Who I have to offer, Christ in me. (see Colossians 1:27)

This happens when I’m with my peers, my team at work, and my family. On my worst days, even in the meetings and rehearsals I’m charged with leading. 

Please don’t hear me say there aren’t times we stand in need of community—the balm of Godly relationships. Of course those times come. And only our arrogance keeps us from surrendering our needs to those who can meet them. 

I am saying that when we start each week with worship and each day with the Word of life, Jesus through the Scriptures, we will more often be a source of life than a sucker of it.

You may have skipped over those words, reading on auto-pilot. Slow down with me for a moment.

When we start each week with worship—not church attendance, singing, and note taking during sermons. I mean worship: entering the presence of the King of the universe. Sitting at the feet of the Savior. Sensing the power of the Holy Spirit. Caught up in the wonder of the One Who created you, redeemed you, and sustains you. Worship.

And I mean: being with Jesus through the Bible. Not just reading to out of duty, but reading with an awareness that the Author is sitting with you ready to show you things you’ve never seen before. That He may remind you of things you need to have in your consciousness. 

Oh, and when you pray--not because you're supposed to, but because you get to sit with the One who knows the future you're uncertain of, who loves you more than those you love the most, and who wants to hear your heart.

Then our needs get met and we can focus on meeting the needs of others.

Time for me to go "practice what I preach."

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