Monday, September 28, 2020

Forgiveness and Leadership

If you're a Christ-follower, you are a forgiver. It's in our redeemed DNA. Scriptural evidence is overwhelming. We are instructed and empowered to forgive.

Ephesians 4:32 is a great example: "Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." 

For the Christian leader, forgiveness has an added dimension. We must keep "short accounts." If someone has offended you, don't let the offenses add up. Release or confront. Don't store up.

Why is this different for leaders? Because we bear responsibility for those we shepherd. Remember Hebrews 13:17? Our work is "to watch over their souls" because we are "accountable to God."

Is the picture clear so far? 

Christians forgive.

Leaders forgive bigger.


This is where God showed me something new. One more verse of scripture, this time from 2 Corinthians 2:7-8. It seems one of the folks in the church at Corinth had done something terrible. His actions hurt a lot of people. And Paul says to forgive. Why? Because "otherwise he may be overcome by discouragement."

Oh. My. Goodness.

This is SO much the way of Jesus! And it is SO unlike the way of the world. We forgive people because of what it does for THEM. We forgive because of the benefits it gives THEM. 

And because Christianity is so amazing, when we forgive THEM, we too are set free. What an amazing byproduct of our obedience.

It's been a long a long time since I've written about this, but let me remind you that we are for one another. If Christ is for us, who can be against us, right? And according to the Apostle Paul, Christ is in me. And Christ is in you. So "Christ in you" is for me. And "Christ in me" is for you. 

So OF COURSE this is why we forgive. Because we are FOR one another. And we don't want our brothers and sisters to be overcome by discouragement. We forgive people because we are for people.

So leader... forgive today. If you're not sure how you can do it, ask Jesus. He's in you. And He is the very best at forgiving. After all, he forgives you.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Why Would they Follow YOU?

I recently had a Sunday off.

If you're in full-time ministry, you know that doesn't happen a lot.

My bride and I were visiting some family members in the greater Cincinnati area, and I wondered where we would worship.
...we could go to the church I grew up in. But COVID-19 meant my my couldn't go. Nah.
...we could go to one of the prevailing large churches in the area. There are several. Nah.
...we could go to a little local church where we didn't know anyone. Nah.
...we could go to a very small church in the middle of nowhere, about 30 minutes away.



Because my friend David was preaching there. I know and love my buddy David. His heart is Christ-like. His mind is sharp. His disposition is for people. And he's my friend.

I got to thinking a little more about why that was my decision. And I got all challenged.

Would the folks I lead every week--and remember, I'm not the preacher--would they come to my church instead of the church they grew up in, a prevailing large church in our area, or a little church near their house because I'm the one leading them in worship?

Honestly, I sort of doubt it. But I'd sure like to be that guy.

Here are some things that may help me get there:
    1) Connect with the people more than the music, or the scripture, or the song story, or the technology.
    2) Connect with people more when I'm off the stage than when I'm on it.
    3) Don't worry about whether they like me or not. Just like them! (Who are the 5 people you most like to be around? Be yourself, but more like that.)
    4) From the wisdom of Louie Giglio, "Lead from love and acceptance, not for love and acceptance." Chances are, people won't want to follow a needy leader.
    5) Be authentic. Don't whine. Don't brag. But be real. As Craig Groeschel says at the end of all of his podcasts, "People would rather follow a leader who is always real than one who is always right."
    6) Be you. God made you a masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10) One more influencer, Ian Morgan Cron, always closes his podcast with the words of Oscar Wilde: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."
    7) Love them well. Always. Unconditionally.

What would you add to my list?