Let's be honest...
Meetings can be boring, scattered, awful. The bane of church work.
Meetings can be fun, focused, productive. The energizer of Kingdom work.
Here are some things I’ve found super helpful in preparing to lead one of those good meetings:
- Plan ahead. Give at least 7-10 days notice.
- Get everyone there. Communicate the best date and time and location for everyone to attend. (I sometimes have meetings at church, at my home, at a restaurant, or another neutral location.)
- Ask those who will be in the meeting what they know of that needs to be discussed. Do this early on.
- Divide the meeting into 4 sections: a) Devotion/Prayer, b) Quick updates, c) One big thing, d) Wrap up.
- Assemble an agenda based on the best flow of those items in “b", and send it out at least 24 hours before the meeting.
- Pray for the people who will attend, and for the content to be covered.
- Set up the room for that particular meeting. (Tables, chairs, something to write on and with, whiteboard and expo markers, etc.)
- Arrive early. Be first. Welcome people as they enter. Ask about their day, and if appropriate ask about the things you’ve been pray with them for God to do.
- Start on time. If you know a team member is running late, use discretion in whether or not to wait or start without them.
- Go as fast as you can on the stuff that doesn’t need much time. (Perhaps praying for discernment for yourself as you go.)
- Ask questions. Lots of questions. If someone isn’t speaking up, invite their participation. Every voice matters. Often those slow to speak have the best input to give.
- Relax. Laugh and cry. Play and work. Have fun and help others have fun.