Friday, August 29, 2014

Prophet, Priest and King

This trio of descriptors--prophet, priest and king--has been used by lots of folks to describe 3 facets of leadership.

A prophet speaks truth clearly, compellingly. A faithful prophet speaks God's truth faithfully.

A priest cares for people deeply. A faithful prophet is an advocate for his/her people before God.

A king rules with care and wisdom. A faithful king uses structures and systems to make life better for those under his umbrella of leadership.

Autobiographically speaking, being a prophet came first--I was speaking truth pretty well  as a teenager. Being a priest came second--about a decade ago I found myself caring for people in ways I never had before. But this king-thing. I'm still waiting on that part. Actually, I've made great strides--by God's grace. But I don't want to get bogged down in my own junk.

I want to share something that has really struck me powerfully in the last few weeks.

If we'll lead well, like a great king--making life better for those we serve--it will be easier for them to believe we care for them deeply, and then they will be even more open to hearing the truth of God's word.

But if the folks under our care struggle with logistics, or are distracted by practical oversights, then it may never occur to them that we care and they may never get to the place where they are able to hear us speak life-changing truth. So leaders, let's manage time well, communicate logistics clearly, consider how our choices affect their "day-to-day" lives.

Young leaders, don't just live in the part of this triad that comes easily. Pursue all three. Surround yourself with people who can both compensate for the ways you aren't yet developed and who will help you grow into all the roles.

Oh, a word of hope might be helpful here, yes?

Jesus was and is the perfect and complete manifestation of Prophet, Priest, and King. That's only half of the good news. The rest?

According to the letter Paul wrote to the church in Galatia, your old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer you who live, but Christ lives in you... as Prophet, as Priest and as King. Hallelujah!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Dangerous Righteousness

The Christian scriptures seem to place a very high value on righteousness. In fact, I can't imagine an easier premise to prove in book after book, chapter after chapter. 

But it strikes me that there are two kids of righteousness that are dangerous, and perhaps even more dangerous for those who lead in worship than for others in less visible places of ministry.

The first is something I struggle with a great deal--and have since I was a kid. It's called self-righteousness. 

The second is something I find more tempting the older I get, and it's called false-righteousness.

Both are deceptive. Both are lies from the enemy.

Self-righteousness is when we think we are better than we are--and, God help us, better than those around us. God is slowly healing me of this, but I still battle it often.

False-righteousness is when we want others to think we are better than we are, and usually, better than they are. For me, this is the other side of the same coin. For others, the struggle may be one or the other.

Can you see why this is dangerous, especially on a stage? The bright lights and the attention of others can magnify these temptations.

There is a danger we might not see as easily, but I've encountered it repeatedly. When we are on stage, representing the God who calls us to righteousness, there is always a chance that we'll be found out. What if someone you work with, live near, go to school with, or even share a house with--what if they hear you on stage declaring the glory of a life changed by Jesus but see you off the stage bearing evidence of a life that testifies to just the opposite?  Well, when we do that, we've lost credibility. We've damaged the opportunity to bear witness to those far from God about the power of God to redeem and rescue us, to free us from a life bound by sin.

But there's good news--no GREAT NEWS!

One of my favorite verses comes from the most famous sermon ever preached. Jesus said, in Matthew 6:33, "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."

You see, the antidote for self-righteousness and false-righteousness is Christ's righteousness. That's what we seek. That's Whose we seek. 

So let's seek--and by that I mean, let's pursue, go after, peer in every corner, look in every scripture passage--the kind of righteousness that comes from our God. It won't be condescending to others, it won't even be offensive to others. Remember, Jesus lived a life that was 100% righteous, yet those chasing sin found Him compelling, attractive, and transformational. 

There's more at stake than how we perceive ourselves and how others think about us. That's why we need the righteousness of Christ, the kind that flows from the inside out.

I love the way The Message translates Paul's desire for the same thing: "I didn't want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ--God's righteousness." (Phil 3:9)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Bad Biblical Worship?

Does the title trouble you? Can Biblical worship be bad?

Actually, it can.

You see, most of what I read about worship these days, especially in blogs like this one, are about created things—screens, hymnals, organs, drums, keys, etc.

I find it fascinating that the Bible is silent on issues like this. I find it equally fascinating--and extremely challenging--that it is not at all silent on things related to worship like obedience, engaging both our heart and minds, and the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ.

Consider a powerful passage by the minor prophet Amos. It describes bad worship, and it's in the Bible.

"I hate all your show and pretense--
     the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and solemn assemblies.
I will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings.
     I won't even notice all your choice peace offerings.
Away with your noise hymns of praise!
     I will not listen to the music of your harps.

No mention of screens or hymnals. Nothing about harps being good or bad. But God seems quite upset with "noisy hymns of praise." Of praise. God was upset with their praise.

Maybe we should be more concerned about why our Father would use words like "I hate... and I will not accept... and I won't even notice... or I will not listen."

This is bad, Biblical worship.

Maybe that’s why I feel compelled to write so often about the “impractical” side of worship. As long as we are missing the mark on the things the Bible tells us clearly, we are probably wasting our time debating the myriad of things the Bible doesn’t tell us.

Let's not stop here, though. We should get to what makes for good Biblical worship.

What did God want from the people Amos was sent to admonish? It's in the very next verse:

"Instead, I want to see a mighty flood of justice,
     and endless river of righteous living."

As just one among thousands and thousands of worship leaders, I'd like to suggest we spend a little more time working toward justice and righteous living and a little less time posturing (even arguing) about the things where God chooses silence.

What do you think?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Wanna Eat Raw Chicken?

Have you ever eaten raw chicken?

I don't think I would. Now I've eaten chicken in all kinds of ways for all three daily meals and in multiple countries, but I can't imagine eating it raw. There's just gotta be some kind of preparation. And, the more time spent preparing the chicken, the more possibilities of great flavor.

A while back I had scrumptious grilled chicken at a friend's house. Prepared with a Pampered Chef rub, then grilled. It took an investment of planning, purchasing, rubbing and cooking. And it was fabulous.

I cook chicken sometimes, too. My favorite simple way is to put some garlic powder on it, drizzle lemon juice over it, put it in a baking dish with a little water, and then slowly bake it. Doesn't take a real long time, but it takes time.

But my favorite chicken of all time has to be when my grandmother would cook it for dinner (that was lunch in her her world) by cutting it up, breading it, and then frying it. Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. My brothers and I used to fight over the crumbs.

What in the world does all of this have to do with worship?

Simple, really.

Worship well done (pun intended) requires preparation. Planning. Purchasing. Practicing. And the best services I've ever been part of leading involved practicing both individually and together.

Raw chicken will make you sick. I'm concerned that raw worship leading can keep our worship ministries from being healthy.

In my current church position, I get to see young worship leaders a lot. It is easy to tell when they have spent a good amount of time preparing on their own, spent time preparing with one another, and then--fully prepared--led beautifully.

Conversely, it is easy to pick out when they have failed to prepare on their own before practicing with others, or have difficulty prioritizing practice with others. The best musicians get by, but they significantly limit themselves musically. Perhaps more importantly, they struggle to get past the music and to a place of freedom to worship.

I suspect this is not only true for young leaders but for all of us.

Don't be a chicken. Prepare well. Serve well. Lead well.