If you haven't thought through that question, pause for a minute and identify that ONE thing.
Hey. Seriously. Stop. Think about it.
Okay. Now let's go on...
I was thinking about it this morning. I have a few things that are important to me. Wedding pictures. Baby grand piano (probably couldn't grab that and run!). Memorabilia from my mission trip to Tanzania. Even my MacBook Pro.
But easily the one thing I'd grab is our dog, Cooper. Often I'll wake up during the night to find him cuddled into the crease in my legs. Any time I look at him and whisper "bye-bye" he's ready to go for a ride. He sits on my left leg and looks out the window. Today, he even laid his head on my shoulder while I was driving. He is, without a doubt, my prized possession. He's my buddy.
What if you were someone's prized possession? What if, let's say, God was walking by your house and it was on fire and He could only go in and rescue one thing... and He chose you? (It's an analogy, so be patient with the holes in that question!)
How would you feel about God's opinion of you? Would it change?
Do you have a hard time believing that the God who not only named the stars but spoke them into being would consider you His prized possession?
Maybe it would do us all good to meditate on 1 Peter 2:9 like this: "You are a chosen people... You are royal... holy... God's very own possession."
One more thing. My dog has no fear or concern for his safety when he is with me. Perhaps the more aware I am of God's presence in my life... (fill in your own ending)